------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s6_0_1 April 15, 2024 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Updated all UDAS procedures for SPEDAS v6.0. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s5_0_1 December 6, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Updated all procedures for SPEDAS v5.0. SPEDAS v5.0 includes new load procedures as follows: - iug_load_gps_atec.pro : The absolute value of GPS TEC (Total Electron Content) data from ISEE - iug_load_gps_isee.pro : GPS TEC (Total Electron Content) data from ISEE 2) Added new load procedures for the GAIA simulation data. - iug_load_gaia_cpl_nc.pro : The GAIA model (cpl part) data - iug_load_gaia_gcm_nc.pro : The GAIA model (gcm part) data - iug_load_elf_hokudai.pro : 400Hz induction magnetometer data from Hokkaido Univ 3) Added some GUI procedures - GAIA model data - 400Hz induction magnetometer data from Hokkaido Univ - Function for loading user's own NetCDF-format files. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s4_1_2 November 5, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Modified 4 load procedures. - iug_load_awi_nipr.pro : added some sites and wavelengths - iug_load_ask_nipr.pro : added some sites and wavelengths - iug_load_hf_tohokuu.pro : changed data server and fixed small bugs - iug_load_iprt.pro : fixed small bugs 2) Added a load procedure for the high-temporal-resolution IPRT data. - iug_load_iprt_highres.pro 3) Modified an example crib sheet. - iug_crib_iprt.pro 4) Modified some GUI procedures. - added Broadbeam_Riometer to Instrument_type. - added some sites and parameters for ISEE fluxgate and induction magnetometers. - added some sites and wavelengths to Allsky_Imager_Keogram. - added some sites to Imaging_Riometer. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s4_1_1 November 4, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Updated procedures for SPEDAS 4.1. Most of the procedures are the same as those in SPEDAS 3.1. We have fixed small bugs in some procedures. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s3_01_1 December 3, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Updated procedures for SPEDAS 3.1. Most of the procedures are the same as those in SPEDAS 3.0. We have fixed a small bug in "udata_interpolation.pro". ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s3_00_1 May 14, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Updated all procedures for SPEDAS v3.00. In addition, we made small revision to some procedures (e.g., we corrected the older code to use brackets []). ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s2_00_3 February 12, 2018 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added a load procedure for the MAGDAS/CPMN magnetic field data at ICSWSE, Kyushu University. - iug_load_gmag_icswse_iaga.pro ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s2_00_2 December 31, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Modified 9 load procedures to load data in designated UT interval from data files recorded in LT. - iug_load_aws_id.pro - iug_load_blr_rish.pro - iug_load_ear.pro - iug_load_ionosonde_rish.pro - iug_load_ltr_rish.pro - iug_load_meteor_rish.pro - iug_load_mu.pro - iug_load_radiosonde_rish.pro - iug_load_wpr_rish.pro 2) Added 2 aliases for the load procedures developed by ERG-SC. - iug_load_gmag_isee_fluxgate.pro - iug_load_gmag_isee_induction.pro ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s2_00_1 July 31, 2017 ------------------------------------------------------ Updated all procedures for spedas v2.00. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_s1_00_1 October 28, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added 3 new load procedures: - iug_load_asi_nipr : all-sky 2D images from NIPR - iug_load_ask_nipr : all-sky imager keograms from NIPR - iug_load_avon_vlfb : AVON(Asia VLF Observation Network)/VLF-B data 2) Added "bdg", "pon", "uji" to the sites for "iug_load_radiosonde_rish.pro". 3) Modified some procedures for the GUI to run them on SPEDAS1.00. 4) Added the fluxgate magnetometer data to GUI. - MAGDAS 1sec data from ICSWSE, Kyushu Univ. - Fluxgate magnetometer data from STEL, Nagoya Univ. and Osaka Electro- Communication Univ. - 210MM 1sec data. 5) Added "map2d" procudures to draw 2D image data on the world map. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_3_00_3 December 25, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added some choices of parameter of the FAI observation mode to the load procedure of the MU radar data (iug_load_mu.pro). 2) Added 1 new load procedure: - iug_load_mu_fai_nc : NetCDF data of the MU-FAI observation. 3) Added "iug_plot2d_mu_fai.pro" for 2d-plot of the MU-FAI data. 4) Added "h57","amb","srm","ihd","skl", and "h68" to the sites for "iug_load_gmag_nipr.pro". They belong to the automated magnetometer network near the Syowa Station, Antarctica. 5) Modified some procedures for the GUI. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_3_00_2 August 18, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added 4 new load procedures: - iug_load_mu_rass_txt : RASS observation data of the MU radar - iug_load_mu_fai_txt : FAI observation data of the MU radar - iug_load_kyushugcm : Kyushu GCM simulation data - iug_load_eiscat_vief : EISCAT ion velocity and electric field vectors 2) Added "iug_plot2d_ear.pro" for 2d-plot of the EAR-FAI data. 3) Added range data to EISCAT CDF data files. 4) Modified some procedures for the GUI. 5) Modified "iug_loar_ear.pro" and "iug_load_mu.pro" slightly. 6) Modified several comments of the statistical analysis package from Japanese to English. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_3_00_1 June 7, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Modified some procedures for the GUI to run them on TDAS8.00. 2) Modified "iug_plot2d_irio.pro" and "iug_plot2d_ionosonde.pro" slightly. 3) Added "pon" to the sites for the load procedure of the MF radar. 4) Added "bik" and "sgk" to the sites for the load procedure of the meteor radar. 5) Added "sgk" to the sites for the load procedure of the radiosonde. 6) Added "iug_plot2d_radiosonde.pro" for 2d-plot of the radiosonde data. 7) Added the statistical analysis package. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_2_01_1 April 16, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added 8 new load procedures: - iug_load_aws_rish ; Surface meterology data taken by the automatic weather station (AWS) - iug_load_gmag_nipr_induction ; Induction magnetometer data from NIPR - iug_load_hf_tohokuu ; Jupiter's/solar wide band spectral data in HF-band - iug_load_ionosonde_rish ; Ionogram data taken by the ionosonde at Shigaraki - iug_load_irio_nipr ; Imaging Riometer data at Syowa station, Antarctica - iug_load_lfrto ; Low Frequency Radio Transmitter Observation data from the Tohoku University site - iug_load_radiosonde_rish ; Radiosonde data from RISH, Kyoto Univ. - iug_load_smart ; Solar images obtained by the SMART telescope at the Hida Observatory, Kyoto Univ. 2) Modified "iug_load_mu.pro" to deal with the ionosphere, mesosphere, and meteor wind special observation data. 3) Added the new instrument types shown at the item 1) to the DataLoad Windows of GUI. 4) Added some new functions to get the information of data from the IUGONET metadata database (MDDB). ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_2_00_2 Novermber 29, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Modified some procudures for GUI. New functions were added to show data policy for each IUGONET data. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_2_00_1 April 16, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Modified some procedures to run on TDAS7.00. 2) Modified "iug_load_eiscat.pro" for the EISCAT radar data. The "iug_load_eiscat.pro" was modified so as to make the tplot variables for the superposed data of some different pulse-codes. 3) Removed the procedures for SuperDARN radar data. The procedures for the SuperDARN radar data have been included in (the original) TDAS7.00 and removed from UDAS2.00.1. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_1_00_1 February 10, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added "iug_crib_iprt.pro" for IPRT data. "iug_crib_iprt.pro" is a sample crib sheet that explains how to use "iug_load_iprt". 2) Renamed some load procedures for the radar data. "iug_load_blr_rish_txt" --> "iug_load_blr_rish" "iug_load_ltr_rish_txt" --> "iug_load_ltr_rish" "iug_load_wpr_rish_txt" --> "iug_load_wpr_rish" 3) Modified "iug_load_gmag_???" for the magnetometer data. The default colors for the plot of the fluxgate magnetometer data were changed from Black, Green, and Brown to Blue, Green, and Red, respectively. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_1_00_b4 December 2, 2011 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added "iug_load_wpr_rish_txt.pro" and "iug_crib_wpr_rish_txt" for LQ7 data. "iug_load_wpr_rish_txt" loads LQ7 radar data distributed in CSV files by RISH. 2) Modified some procedures for GUI. "thm_ui_calendar.pro" was modified so that the time range can be selected for the period before 1957 in the GUI main pannel. "EISCAT_radar" and "Wind_Profiler_Radar_(LQ-7)" were added to the insrument type in the IUGONET data load window. "*(all)" and "*" were added to the choices of the parameters in the IUGONET data load window. 3) Modified the load procudure for EISCAT radar data. "iug_load_eiscat.pro" was modified to load data with various integration time separately to the different tplot variables. 4) Updated the example crib sheets. ------------------------------------------------------ ; What's new in udas_1_00_b3 August 2, 2011 ------------------------------------------------------ 1) Added "iug_load_eiscat" and "iug_crib_eiscat" for EISCAT radar data. "iug_load_eiscat" loads EISCAT radar data distributed in CDF files by NIPR. 2) Modified "thm_ui_load_iugonet_data_load_pro" for GUI. "thm_ui_load_iugonet_data_load_pro" was modified so that the meteor wind radar data can be downloaded for several sites. 3) Modified "iug_load_blr_rish_txt.pro" for the BLR data. "iug_load_blr_rish_txt.pro" was modified so that the boundary layer radar data can be downloaded for several sites. 4) Modified "iug_load_mf_rish_pam_nc" for the MF radar data at Pameungpeuk. The URL address of the Pameungpeuk data location was changed. 5) Modified "iug_load_meteor_srp_txt" for the meteor wind radar data at Serpon. A new option argument was added to "iug_load_meteor_srp_txt". Please see the header document for details of the options 6) Modified "iug_load_meteor_srp_nc" for the meteor wind radar data at Serpon. "iug_load_meteor_srp_nc" was revised so that the meteor wind radar data can be downloaded for several sites and a new option argument was added. Please see the header document for details of the options. 7) Modified "iug_load_meteor_ktb_txt" and "iug_load_meteor_ktb_nc" for the meteor wind radar data at Kototabang. These load prcedures were revised for time calculation to UT and a new option argument was added added. Please see the header document for details of the options. 8) Modified "iug_load_ear_iono_er_nc", "iug_load_ear_iono_efr_nc", "iug_load_ear_iono_er_nc", "iug_load_ear_iono_fr_nc" and "iug_load_ear_iono_vr_nc" for the EAR-FAI data at Kototabang. The new variables "freq", "ipp", "ndata", "nfft", "ncoh", and "nicoh" were added in the netCDF data. ----------------------------------------------------- ; What's new in udas_1_00_b2 June 16, 2011 ----------------------------------------------------- 1) Added all-in-one command "plot_map_sdfit" for SD data. "plot_map_sdfit" calls internally "sd_map_set", "overlay_map_sdfit", and "overlay_map_coast" to generate a SuperDARN 2-D plot by itself. Please see the header document for details of the options.