IUGONET Metadata FormatIUGONET Metadata Format was created on the basis of the SPASE (Space Physics Data Search and Extract) metadata model, because SPASE matches best the upper atmosphere data and holds versatility and expandability in terms of the international standardization. The SPASE format is established by the SPASE Consortium, which is composed of representatives of the international heliophysics data community (NASA, NOAA, EDA, JAXA, and a variety of research institutions). IUGONET is also a member of the SPASE Consortium and discuss the extension and modification of the SPASE format.
XML Schema for the IUGONET Common Metadata Format
How to Register Metadata for Your DataIUGONET welcomes your registration of the metadata of your observation data to our metadata database. If you are interested, please contact with the IUGONET members. How to Create Metadata for Your DataIUGONET has published the metadata-manual to support your creation. Please download it by below link. |