Case Study

The famous results regarding the IUGONET products and related activities are listed below.

Published: 2021/2/9
EPP effetcs on Na in the Earth's upper atmosphere
T. T. Tsuda (The University of Electro-Communications)
Metallic species, which ablate from meteoroids, exist in the Earth's upper atmosphere. One of the major metals is the sodium (Na) which distributes normally at 80-110 km heights. This height range corresponds to the mesosphere and lower thermosphere as well as the ionospheric D and E regions. In the polar region, energetic particle precipitation (EPP), which is the main cause of aurora, from the ...
Published: 2020/2/26
A challenge to the mystery of the severe erosion of the plasmasphere
Yuki Obana (Department of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University)
The outer space whose height is up to several Earth radii is called the inner magnetosphere, in which, there is the plasmasphere, filled with the charged particles (plasma) that have escaped from the earth's atmosphere (Fig. 1). We analyzed the plasma wave data obtained by the Arase spacecraft, found a special event in which the plasmasphere shrinks dramatically with the occurrence of a magnetic ...
Published: 2020/1/15
Geomagnetic Field Observation for Deeper Understanding of Space and Ground Phenomena
Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-The National University of Malaysia)
Geomagnetic field data have been widely used by scientists to gain deeper insight of Earth’s interior's activities and the surrounding space environment. We have been utilizing ground-based magnetometer data provided by Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) of Kyushu University in exploring earthquake and solar flare phenomena....
Academic Degree
Published: 2019/6/14
Study of Scholarly Communication Infrastructure focused on Metadata in Upper Atmospheric Physics
Morio YAMAUCHI (Advanced Course of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, National College of Technology, Oita College, Japan)
In upper atmospheric research field, interdisciplinary studies by using various observational data are needed. Then the key for connecting various kinds of data is metadata. In Japan, Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork(IUGONET) has released their metadata database to the public to promote interdisciplinary studies. Their metadata schema inherits the Space Physics Archive...
Published: 2019/4/15
Mysterious flash auroras by coordinated Arase and ground observations
Mitsunori Ozaki (Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University)
Auroras are optical phenomena at polar regions caused by precipitating energetic particles into the atmosphere. The auroras show various spatial-temporal variations such as curtain-like and cloudlike shapes etc. In this study, we measured a mysterious rapid auroral emission with 0.2-s luminous duration showing a cloud shape (referred to as “flash aurora”). Coordinated Arase satellite (project man...
Published: 2019/4/15
Comparison of three retrievals of COSMIC GPS radio occultation results in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
Noersomadi (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, Kyoto)
Combining geometrical optics (GO) and wave optics (WO), the COSMIC data analysis and archive center (CDAAC) retrieved two sets of dry atmosphere temperatures (T) from COSMIC GPS radio occultation (GPS-RO), which are called atmPrf2010 and atmPrf2013. In atmPrf2010, the sewing height between WO and GO varies between 10 and 20 km, but is fxed at 20 km for atmPrf2013. The height resolution of the atm...