TOP > 最新情報 > UDAS s2.00.2 was released.

UDAS s2.00.2 was released. [2017/12/14]

UDAS s2.00.2 for SPEDAS v2.00 was released. It supports data obtained with various kinds of instruments at PWING stations.

UDAS s2.00.2

UDAS s2.00.2 is a plug-in software for SPEDAS v2.00. It newly supports data obtained with the induction magnetometers and all-sky imagers (OMTI) at some PWING stations (Gakona in Alaska, Kapuskasing in Canada, and Husafell in Iceland) and allows users to analyze glabal distribution of electromagnetic waves and energetic particles precipitation.

The bleeding edge version rev.488 or later of ERG plug-in tools is required for loading these PWING data.

In addition, we modified some load procedures for RISH data so as to load data in designated UT interval from data files recorded in LT.

Download UDAS s2.00.2

PWING (Study of dynamical variation of particles and waves in the inner magnetosphere using ground-based network observations)

ERG Plug-in Tool (ERG Science Center)
