TOP > 最新情報 > Analysis software "M-UDAS" for MATLAB was released.

Analysis software "M-UDAS" for MATLAB was released. [2020/09/10]

IUGONET has released new analysis software "M-UDAS" based on MATLAB.

About M-UDAS

M-UDAS is an IUGONET original analysis software written in MATLAB. This software can load observational data with one command, and can work in conjunction with MATLAB functions to perform analysis and visualization. User can compare and analyze various data by loading several data and creating stacked plot.


M-UDAS also includes the routine template that can load your own data files into MATLAB platform. According to the document, the users can easily create the load procedure for their own data by modifying the template procedure (about 10 lines identified in this routine). It supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.


Details of the M-UDAS is here.
